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Organizer of the "International Meeting of Oracular Arts"


With a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, he began to dedicate himself to the study of the oracular arts and energetic therapies, starting with Reiki. He has done training in Tarot, Lenormand, Quantum Radionic Table, Dowsing, Numerology, Aromatherapy, Western Herbal Therapy, Massage, Crystallotherapy, EFT and Neurolinguistic Programming.

Creator of the Divine Alignment Elemental Table, an energy healing tool.

He facilitates sessions of Reiki, Tarot, Elemental Table, Alma Metávasi energetic healing and Meditation, where he applies the knowledge obtained in the other areas.

He is a trainer of courses and workshops in the following areas: Reiki, Tarot, Divine Alignment Elemental Table, among others.

He is the author of the deck "2020 Lenormand" and the "Deep Within Oracle".

IEFP certified trainer, member of the "Tarosophy International Association", speaker at national and international Tarot congresses, host of the 2019 "International Tarot Summit" and co-organizer of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd congress "The Art of Tarot and Cartomancy" in Portugal.

Curious by nature and an eternal student.

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